How happy I am that this week is over?!
Tonight, Kelly Green at Visual Expressions Tattoo finished a coverup on my shoulderblade, and I am soooo psyched on it. When I was in my early twenties, and had only a few tattoos, I got this tattoo of a cartoon girl riding on a star. At the time, I thought it was adorable. But, of course, as I got older, became more immersed in tattoo art and more familiar with what good work looks like, that cartoon girl started to look.... well, it started to look like shit. A real hack job, ike a step up from a jailhouse tattoo. And juxtaposed against all the good work I have been getting from really talented artists, I just started to really hate it.
So, I finally decided to get it covered up, and I'm really happy with the job Kelly did. Its such a huge difference from what I had before! I can't wait to take a look at the before and after pictures and really see how crap was transformed into awesomeness.
Anyone who is in the northeast right now knows that it is ffffreezing! Actually, I've heard that its abnormally cold in other parts of the US too. Ugh. I may take this opportunity to hibernate a little this weekend and play with the huge shipment of beads I just received.... my hands are going to be busy for a while!!